安吉丽娜朱莉代言的 朱莉遭广告商抛弃 - 刺猬明星娱乐网

安吉丽娜朱莉代言的 朱莉遭广告商抛弃

来源:吃瓜网    作者:吃瓜网     2020-05-27 13:14:53   

美国奢侈针织服装品牌St. John首席执行官周五表示,该品牌代言人安吉丽娜朱莉的个人光芒让品牌黯然失色,公司决定启用新面孔代言。

   自2005年被St. John聘为代言人的好莱坞大牌明星朱莉,今後将不会出现在品牌推广活动中。

   St. John在2008年6月就已宣布朱莉即将离去。

  St. John首席执行官麦克马洪告诉,“朱莉让品牌相形失色。我们不想再用女演员代言,也不想要金发女郎,我们重新做出选择。”

  此外,麦克马洪在一份声明中称:“我们需要展现St. John的现代感,我们正在调整品牌风格。”
  Farewell, Angelina: St. John has chosen a new spokesmodel.
  After four years as the face of relatively conservative fashion label St. John Knits, Angelina Jolie has been replaced by the flame-haired supermodel Karen Elson. St. John CEO Glenn McMahon told WWD, "We wanted to make a clean break from actresses and steer away from blondes and cleanse the palette."  He also noted that Jolie's stardom had overpowered the brand.
  The company hopes their choice of model reflects a more modern, "evolved" state of the brand. Elson, 30, is married to musician Jack White of the White Stripes, with whom she has two children.